Canadian Museum for Human Rights

August 20, 2014

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights will guide visitors through the worst – and brightest – of stories about human rights. While that journey is likely to be powerful, difficult and haunting, the Museum aims to encourage reflection, dialogue and hope for a changed world. That goal is reflected in the architecture of the Winnipeg based institution, where an innovative design literally leads visitors from darkness to light.

"It was important to use an image that featured the four main elements of the building," says stamp designer Adrian Shum. "The dark roots through which visitors enter, the mountain which houses the galleries, the glass canopy cloud, and the brilliant Tower of Hope guide visitors through their journey."

"Creating a human rights museum is one of the boldest statements that a country – a people – can make about who they are and who they want to be," says Stuart Murray, the Museum’s President and Chief Executive Officer. "This beautiful new stamp will tell Canadians that they are part of something bigger – something they can be proud of."

Booklet of 10 Stamps


  • Product #: 413938111
  • Denomination: 10 x Permanent™ (domestic rate)
  • Design: Adrian Shum, Circle
  • Dimensions: 40 mm x 40 mm
  • Printer: Lowe-Martin
  • Printing Process: Lithography in 6 colours Spot varnish
  • Quantity: 200,000
  • Gum Type: P.V.A
  • Photography: Mike Grandmaison

Official First Day Cover


  • Product #: 413938131
  • Denomination: Permanent™ (domestic rate)
  • Design: Adrian Shum, Circle
  • Dimensions: 191 mm x 113 mm
  • Printer: Lowe-Martin
  • Quantity: 11,500
  • Gum Type: P.V.A.
  • Photography: Mike Grandmaison