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How to find delivery standards for Parcel Services shipping in Canada

To calculate the estimated delivery standard for Parcel Services shipping in Canada, follow the steps below.

1. Determine if your item is being sent locally, regionally, or nationally

Using the definitions on the Parcels - Important definitions page, determine whether the item is being sent locally, regionally, or nationally.

2. Find the processing facilities and the type of centre

Using our Parcel Services shipping in Canada - FSAs and their designated processing facilities table, use the FSA where your mailing will be deposited and the FSA where your mailing will be delivered to find the 2 associated processing facilities. Then, see if the item will be deposited and delivered from a Major Urban Centre or Non-Major Urban Centre.

3. Find the delivery standard

On the Delivery standards by service - Parcels (Canada) page, choose the applicable service. Use the corresponding table to calculate the delivery standard with the processing facilities identified in Step 2 above.

4. Calculate your delivery standard

Adjust the delivery standard as indicated on the Delivery standard adjustments page.