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Conciliators appointed for negotiations with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

The federal Minister of Labour has appointed conciliators to help Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) reach new collective agreements.

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Canadian Union of Postal Workers requests conciliators in filing notices of dispute with the Minister of Labour

Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) have been negotiating since November 2023 to reach new collective agreements. Today, CUPW filed notices of dispute with the federal Minister of Labour, asking for conciliators to help the parties reach new collective agreements.

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Update on negotiations with CUPW

We continue to negotiate with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) to renew our collective agreements with CUPW’s two bargaining units: Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers, and CUPW-Urban.

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CUPW negotiations: Update on discussions and process

Canada Post continues to negotiate with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) to renew our collective agreements with CUPW's two bargaining units: Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers, and CUPW-Urban. We remain committed to the bargaining process and our goal is to work collaboratively with CUPW to reach negotiated agreements. We are also committed to keeping you informed throughout the negotiations process.

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Negotiations continue with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Canada Post continues to negotiate with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) to renew our collective agreements with CUPW’s two bargaining units.

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Negotiations process begins for Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Canada Post has received notices to bargain from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). This officially kicks off the negotiations process for new collective agreements with CUPW’s two bargaining units.

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