Negotiations updates

August 13, 2024

Conciliators appointed for negotiations with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

August 13, 2024

The federal Minister of Labour has appointed conciliators to help Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) reach new collective agreements.

On August 2, 2024, CUPW filed notices of dispute with the Minister of Labour. The next step is conciliation, which provides an extended timeline for the parties to continue negotiating with the help of neutral conciliators.

No labour disruption can occur during conciliation

The process of conciliation assistance through the Minister of Labour is established by the Canada Labour Code:

  • Two conciliation officers were appointed on August 13, 2024.
  • The parties now enter a conciliation period that typically lasts 60 days. The conciliation period can be extended if the parties agree.
  • After the conciliation period, if there is still no agreement, a 21-day cooling-off period follows.
  • Only after the cooling-off period would either party be in a position to initiate a labour disruption (following 72-hour advance notice).
  • This means that, under the Canada Labour Code, a labour disruption should not happen for nearly three months.
  • Negotiations can continue throughout this entire process.

Operations continue as normal

Our business operations continue as normal, and we will update customers on developments as soon as we have new information. We remain committed to working collaboratively with CUPW, with the goal of reaching negotiated agreements and avoiding any labour disruption.

Our commitment to customers

We deeply value the trust that customers put in us to deliver for their business, and we understand that seasonal planning is done months in advance. If there is a strong possibility of a labour disruption, we’re committed to letting customers know as quickly as possible. We will work closely with our customers to prepare and account for their business needs.  

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