Small businesses ship and save with just a few clicks

Canada Post Snap ShipTM is our online shipping tool available to our Canada Post Solutions for Small BusinessTM customers. Compare services and discounted rates, print your shipping label and book a pickup in one place.

Why use Snap Ship

Print multiple labels at once

Prepare and pay for all of your shipments in a single order.

Save time creating labels

Populate your orders conveniently using AddressCompleteTM and your Canada Post account address book, directly in Snap ShipTM .

Book a shipment pickup

We'll pick up your shipments from your business for a flat-fee of $3.50 or for free if you’ve selected PriorityTM shipping. Have multiple shipments picked up at the same time at no extra charge.

Compare rates and get savings

Select the service that best suits your shipping needs by speed, feature and price. We automatically apply your small business discount.

How to create your shipping labels

Log in to your Solutions for Small BusinessTM account or register for an account, if you don’t have one already, to access the Snap Ship tool.
  1. Enter your package details Input the destination, weight and dimensions of the item. We’ve put together some measurement tips further down on this page.
  2. Select shipping services Choose a shipping method based on speed and cost. Include any additional shipping options, such as signature upon delivery.
  3. Fill out customs forms for international shipments Enter required details about your package and its contents to be approved for delivery outside Canada.
  4. Input delivery information for multiple shipments Include all of your shipping labels on 1 order to pay for and ship your packages together.
  5. Pay for and print shipping labels Make payments online and print your labels. Be sure that the barcode lays flat without wrapping and is unobscured by tape.
  6. Book a pickup or drop it off Select our flat-fee pickup option, drop your shipments off at any post office or in a street letter box, if the items fit. You can track their progress on our website or on your mobile device using the Canada Post mobile app.

Get started with Snap Ship

Solutions for Small Business members can get started with Snap Ship right away and benefit from preferred shipping rates and other perks of the program.

Ship now

If you ship more than 50 shipments a day

If you're shipping more than 50 packages a day, contact a Canada Post representative to find out about tools and potential savings that fit your needs.